On April 14, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that the criteria for admitting and treating mild and severe COVID-19 cases have been changed, effective from today, in order to increase medical emerency response capacity. Adjusted criteria are listed below.
A. Hospitals: admitting and treating moderate and severe cases (those with symptoms in the moderate or above category of clinical presentation of SARS-CoV-2 infection issued by the WHO) and confirmed cases who are 70 years of age or older, who are on hemodialysis, or who are 36 weeks or more pregnant. If a hospitalized patient no longer requires hospitalization, the patient can directly be transported to an enhanced government quarantine facility/quarantine hotel (or to the patient's home for home care if the patient is in a city where home care is allowed) in accordance with these principles without being released from isolation.
B. Enhanced government quarantine facilities/quarantine hotels: admitting and treating confirmed cases who have no or mild symptoms (people testing positive by PCR test after landing included) and are under 70 years of age, who are capable of taking care of themselves or accompanied by their caregiver (e.g. children), or who are less than 36 weeks pregnant.
C. Home care (in cities/counties where it's allowed): individuals under 65 years of age who are not on hemodialysis or pregnant and meet home care criteria may stay at home to receive care; those who don't meet home care criteria should be transported to enhanced government quarantine facilities/quarantine hotels or hospitals.
D. Every two persons should be admitted to and treated in one room in dedicated wards or enhanced government quarantine facilities/quarantine hotels if it is permitted, and the two individuals do not need to be family members or cohabitants or have traveled together; if enhanced government quarantine facilities/quarantine hotels offer appropriate room types (e.g. family room), two or more persons are only allowed to stay and receive care in one room if they are family members, cohabitants, or traveled together.