A Clinical Guide to Zoonoses Third Edition

A Clinical Guide to Zoonoses Third Edition
  • 編者/作者:Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan(R.O.C.), The Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan

  • 出版機關:Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan(R.O.C.)

  • 出刊日期:2023年9月

  • 版本:3rd

  • 定價:1000

  • ISBN:978-626-7260-60-9

  • GPN:1011201224


Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are important topics in the prevention of global epidemics, and many emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic diseases. To implement successful prevention and control measures, it is essential that public health officials, healthcare workers, and agricultural and veterinary professionals have updated knowledge about such diseases. With the increasing number of cases of emerging zoonotic diseases and updated data on relevant research and knowledge, it is essential to update this manual, A Clinical Guide to Zoonosis. This updated manual includes introductions to and prevention of 95 important zoonotic diseases and adds 11 additional diseases from the second edition, such as Coronavirus Disease 2019, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections, Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, and Zika Virus Infection. Much ink has been spilled on the clinical differential diagnosis, treatment prevention, and infection control. This manual is intended to provide up-to-date information for professionals in different fields to work together to protect the health of the public.


最後更新日期 2023/10/12