Influenza vaccine

Influenza vaccine
  • 編者/作者:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

  • 出版機關:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

  • 出刊日期:2011年5月

  • 創刊年月:2011年8月

  • 版本:1st ed 

  • 定價:NT$335

  • ISBN:978-986-02-6706-8 (pbk.)

  • GPN: 


Facing the threat due to influenza for public health, it has moved the influenza vaccination policy actively by following the suggestion of WHO for over ten years in Taiwan. And during the process of conducting the vaccination program, the medical and epidemic prevention workers are not only the supplier of vaccination service but also the key persons to deliver the knowledge about influenza vaccines to the public. So it’s really important to enhance the knowledge and understanding related to influenza vaccines of the medical and epidemic prevention workers. In 2010, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) made a contract proposal with the Taiwan Pediatric Association to invite the professors and medical doctors who are familiar with related research issue or practice about influenza vaccines to compile this book. There are seven chapters about influenza introductions, the theorems, efficacy, safety, vaccination priorities of influenza vaccines and the novel influenza vaccines of 2009 H1N1 pandemic in the book. It can help to reinforce the specialties about influenza vaccines for the medical and epidemic prevention workers as well as communicate the more correct knowledge in influenza vaccinations to the other people furthermore.


最後更新日期 2018/3/13