Creutzfel-Jakob Disease and Other Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalophathies-Guideline on Patient Managementand Infection Control (3E)

Creutzfel-Jakob Disease and Other Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalophathies-Guideline on Patient Managementand Infection Control (3E)
  • 編者/作者:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C (Taiwan)

  • 出版機關:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C (Taiwan)

  • 出刊日期:2013年5月

  • 版本:3rd ed

  • 定價:NT$300

  • ISBN:978-986-03-6619-8

  • GPN:1010200808


To improve the quality of medical care and epidemic prevention staff in terms of the professional competency for treating and managing human transmissible spongiform encephalophathies, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health commissioned the Taiwan Academy of Neurology Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease working group to edit this hand book. The contents include the history of domestic and international epidemic prevention efforts, disease introduction, disease classification, diagnostic criteria, route of transmission, pathogen disinfection, medical infection control precautions, pathological autopsy, patient care, and disposal of the body, the safety regulations of blood products, treatment guidance, and the sections on media communication and case reporting. This guideline has also adopted international literature, which provides a reference and basis for medical institutes and health workers.


最後更新日期 2018/3/13