Brucellosis is a widespread zoonosis mainly transmitted from cattle, sheep, goats and camels through direct contact with blood, placenta, fetuses or uterine secretions, or through consumption of contaminated raw animal products (especially unpasteurized milk and soft cheese). Bovine brucellosis has been eradicated in Taiwan since 1989. And it has been surveillance on brucellosis in goats from 1986 and there are no positive cases until now. Brucellosis was belong to the fourth category of national infectious disease in Taiwan in 2012.
The most effective way to ward off infection brucellosis to avoid contact with pathogens. Cooperation with public health authorities to investigate human cases. Animal brucellosis, especially when caused by Brucella spp., can often be identified through investigations of cases in human.
Bovine brucellosis has been eradicated in Taiwan since 1989. For the period 2001 to 2005, for identificating that the beef brucellosis had been defecated and was free in Taiwan, COA was proceeded by a continued serum examination among 1/30 of beef amount ¸400 canine blood samples from NTU quarantine station and suspected cases of human blood samples from CDC. Right now surveillance, monitoring, warning and research technology of imported Bovine brucellosis is important.
Between 2014 and 2015, CDC taken in a risk analysis on national dataset and run to identify the risk factors or procedures, at the same time, we was reviewed by Laboratory Biorisk Management Standard (CWA15793). Set up amendment of quality processes and standard operating procedures into our existing SOP and research projects. Professional training and tools will be held to prevent the occurrence of incidents. During 2011 - 2016, there are two imported case in Taiwan. One case has a clear contact history with animal’s tissue in china the other is legitimate expatriates. There were no confirmed cases in 2017-2018.
Brucellosis Surveillance in Taiwan
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