
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control Website, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Copyright Notice on Health Education Materials

  1. 衛生福利部疾病管制署全球資訊網(以下簡稱本署網站)衛教宣導區刊載之內容,除著作權法規定不得為著作權標的之法律、命令、公文、新聞稿等外(請參考著作權法第9條規定),其他包括文字敘述、圖片、影片等資訊,均受著作權法保護(請參考著作權法第5條規定)。
    Laws, orders, official documents, press releases, etc. posted in the Communication Resources section of the website of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare (hereinafter "the Taiwan CDC website") shall not be the subject matter of the copyright (Please refer to Article 9 of the Copyright Act). Other information posted in the Communication Resources section of the Taiwan CDC website, including but not limited to, word descriptions, images, and videos are copyrighted (Please refer to Article 5 of the Copyright Act).
  2. 為順利推動傳染病防治工作,並使民眾正確認識傳染病之傳染方式、防疫措施及相關法規,同意各級政府機關基於防疫宣導目的所需,於不修改內容前提下,重製本署網站衛教宣導區之宣導品,並歡迎各級政府機關採修改為本署與印製機關共掛方式印製與散布(範例說明)。
    To facilitate successful implementation of infectious disease prevention and control efforts and ensure the public have access to correct information concerning transmission of infectious diseases, prevention measures, and relevant regulations, all levels of government agencies may reproduce health education materials available in the Communication Resources section of the Taiwan CDC website for the purpose of outreach without altering the content of the materials. All levels of government agencies reproducing and distributing the materials are welcome to have their agency logo printed on the materials alongside the Taiwan CDC logo and distribute the same. (See example for illustration.)
  3. 本署網站衛教宣導區之宣導品涉及授權條款,各級政府機關相關授權使用範圍與限制,請務必參照衛教宣導品所標示之創用CC授權標章創用 CC 授權條款了解與使用創用CC創用CC公眾授權條款),違反規定者,應自負法律責任。
    Health education materials available in the Communication Resources section of the Taiwan CDC website are licensed under a Creative Commons License. All levels of government agencies using the materials shall refer to the Creative Commons License創用 CC 授權條款  (Learn more about Creative Commons and Creative Commons Public License.) displayed on the health education materials for the authorized scope of use and restrictions on the use of the materials. Those who violate the Creative Commons License will be legally liable.
  4. 本署網站衛教宣導區之宣導品,同意個人或家庭基於非營利目的,於報導、評論、教學、研究等合理範圍內(請參考著作權法第44條至65條規定),引用其內容;引用時,請註明出處。
    Health education materials available in the Communication Resources section of the Taiwan CDC website may be quoted by an Individual or a family for non-profit purposes, within a reasonable scope, in reports, comments, teaching, research, etc. (Please refer to Articles 44 to 65 of the Copyright Act). Please cite the source when quoting.
  5. 本署網站衛教宣導區之內容受著作權法保護,除合理使用情形外,應先取得本署同意或授權後,始得利用;若涉及其他著作財產權人之著作內容者,亦應取得該著作權人同意或授權後,始得使用。請以正式公文郵寄至本署,檢附內容包含申請授權之網站資訊內容(含網址)及授權使用範圍,本署將於審核後通知結果。
    Contents of health education materials available in the Communication Resources section of the Taiwan CDC are copyrighted. Apart from reasonable use, permission or authorization should be obtained from Taiwan CDC before use. If the content of the work of other copyright holders is involved, permission from the copyright holder should also be obtained before use. An official request detailing the requested content, including the URL and the scope of use shall be made and mailed to Taiwan CDC for seeking permission or authorization to use works from the Taiwan CDC website. Taiwan CDC will notify the applicant of the result of the request after reviewing the request.
  6. 使用本署網站照片時,除前述各點外,請註明出處,並請注意被攝影者之肖像權及個人資料保護等相關規定。
    When using the images on the Taiwan CDC website, besides paying attention to attention to the provisions above, please indicate the source and pay attention to the portrait rights of the individual being photographed and relevant regulations concerning personal data protection.
  7. 本署尊重著作權,並依著作權法等相關規定保護著作權,不侵害他人著作權。如果您(著作權人、製版權人或專屬授權之被授權人)認為本署網站之內容有侵害您的權利或有違反著作權法等情事,請儘速通知本署(聯絡我們),並請提供聯絡資料(姓名、電子郵件、電話),以利因應處理。
    Taiwan CDC respects copyright, protects copyright in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Copyright Act and does not infringe upon the copyright of others. If you, as the copyright holder, or the plate rights holder, or the exclusively authorized licensee, believe that any content on the Taiwan CDC website infringes upon your rights or violates the Copyright Act, please notify Taiwan CDC (contact us) as soon as possible and provide your contact information (name, e-mail address, and phone number) for appropriate responses.
最後更新日期 2019/6/6