首先,若您為本國籍,或為持有我國居留證或具健保身分之外國籍人士,一旦有風險性行為(包括至國外可能會與不特定對象發生風險性行為),包括:多重性伴侶,在非同一時間與超過1人發生性行為、性交易服務者、於營業場所發生性行為者等;過去曾罹患性病;或性接觸對象有前述任一情形者等,請選擇「公費」M痘疫苗接種,院所資訊可至疾管署全球資訊網/M痘專區/M痘疫苗/M痘疫苗接種服務合作醫療院所項下( https://gov.tw/3SG )查詢。
If you are a Taiwanese citizen or a foreign national with a National Health Insurance (NHI) card or Resident Certificate, and you engage in risky sexual behavior (including possible risky sexual behavior with unknown people abroad), such as having multiple sexual partners (having sex with more than one person at different times), engaging in sex work, having sex at commercial venues, having a history of sexually transmitted diseases, or having a sexual partner with any of these risks, you are eligible to get the "government-funded" Mpox vaccine.
For information on medical facilities offering Mpox vaccination, please visit the Sites of Mpox Vaccine Service page under the Mpox Vaccination section of the Taiwan CDC website (https://gov.tw/3SG).
If you "do not meet" the above eligibility criteria for the government-funded Mpox vaccine but are assessed by a physician to be at risk of Mpox exposure, you can receive the self-paid Mpox vaccine. This also applies to foreign nationals in Taiwan with risk behaviors who do not have an NHI card or Resident Certificate as well as individuals planning to travel to countries at high risk of Mpox transmission (based on international travel health notices).
最後更新日期 2024/11/28